Student Internship 2024
In 2024, four Bachelor of Illustration students from St Joost School of Art and Design (Breda, The Netherlands) have their internship at Studio Steffen Maas. For three months, Amber, Joyce, Paloma and Yilmaz practice their individual drawing skills and form a dynamic design team. They also feel happy their work serves a good cause and forms a vital element of Steffen's ABC project.
Steffen Maas is creating visual reading materials for specific schools in Aruba, who specialize in children with learning difficulties. Guided by Steffen, the students assist drawing and building the extensive visual database which is needed to help children read, construct sentences and express themselves.
The content of this database encompasses countless drawings of different objects, phenomena and emotions, set against a visual background of Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao and the United States. This internship demands the developing individual drawing skills as well as teamwork skills, visual research and creating visual logic and rhetoric.
The team meetings are held on different locations in the Netherlands and combined with relevant and appealing museum visits. This is a great way to inspire each other during the design process. Students who are interested in an internship can contact Steffen at