My Book of ChinABC 我的中文拼音书, a great alphabet book about China, for all ages! Created by Steffen Maas and edited by Li Zhou. It provides an alphabetic method to learn Pinyin, offers practical vocabulary and contains vivid images of Chinese culture!
The creator of ChinABC, Steffen Maas is not only an illustrator and graphic designer, but also a passionate teacher. He lives and works in the Netherlands and Aruba. · Steffen graduated from St Joost School of Art & Design with a master’s degree in Graphic Design and he has created numerous exhibitions, books and public art works. He loves to travel and uses photography and drawing to explore new places. Steffen has a special love for China where he has been many times. Steffen Maas has taught ‘visual storytelling’ workshops at universities in China (e.g. at CAFA Beijing, Zheijiang University of Technology Hangzhou, MIADA Chonqing, Tongji Shanghai), creating revealing dialogues about their culture.
My Book of ChinABC was edited by Li ZHOU who is a Chinese teacher with a passion for Chinese teaching and cross- cultural communication. Currently she is teaching Chinese at Dan Hua Culture & Education Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She graduated with a master’s degree in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Central China Normal University in 2014 and is a certified Chinese Teacher to speakers of other languages by Confucius Institute Headquarters since 2016. Driven by an interest in the power of Chinese characters, Li loves to integrate stories of Chinese characters in her class as they are closely related with their origin, culture and history. Li has taught at several schools in China and in France: Huawen Language Studio, Wuhan, China | Ecole de Jean Moulin, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France | Collège des Hauts Grillets, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France.
麦思丹Steffen MAAS 本书作者麦思丹,是一名插画师、平面设计师, 也是一位富有热情的教师, 他在荷兰和阿鲁巴岛生活和工作。麦思丹毕业于圣约斯特艺术与设计学院平面设计专业,获硕士学位。 他设计过展览、书和公共艺术作品。他爱好旅行,喜欢通过摄影和绘画的方式探索新地方。他多次前往中国教学,因而对中国有着一种特殊的喜爱。他和他的朋友、起在中国多所大学教授设计专业学生《视觉叙述》的课题,开展了许多有关文化的探讨。以下是麦思丹在中国授过课的大学:
中央美术学院,北京 / Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing;
同济大学设计创意学院,上海 / Sino-Finnish Center of Tongji, Shanghai;
南京大学,南京 / Nanjing University, Nanjing;
杭州师范大学,杭州 / Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou;
浙江工业大学,杭州 / Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou;
温州商学院,温州 / Wenzhou Business College, Wenzhou;
浙江理工大学,杭州 / Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou;
重庆工商大学现代国际设计艺术学院,重庆 / MIADA of CTBU, Chongqing;
浙大城市学院,杭州 / Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou;
山西大学,太原 / Shanxi University, Taiyuan;
河北师范大学,石家庄 / Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang.
周俐 Li ZHOU
周俐 Li ZHOU 本书编辑周俐,是一名中文教师,热爱中文教学和跨文化交际, 现任教于荷兰丹华文化教育中心。周俐于2014年毕业于华中师范大学外国语言学及应用语言学专业,获硕士学位,2016年获得孔子学院总部颁发的《国际汉语教师证书》。她认为汉字具有强大的魅力,善于在课程中融入汉字故事的教学,因为这些故事与中文的根源、中国文化和历史紧密相关。周俐曾任教于中国和法国的以下学校:武汉华之文语言工作室,武汉 - Jean Moulin 小学,法国圣日尔曼昂莱 - Hauts Grillets 初中,法国圣日尔曼昂莱
Audio Files
Thank you for purchasing My Book of ChinABC! These audio files will help you to read out loud the Pinyin alphabet, the ChinABC book pages and more... Enjoy!
Words A-Z • Page 2-34
Words AI-ONG • Page 35-47
how you support CHINabc
By purchasing any art work, stationary gift or educational item of ChinABC (or ArubABC, BonABC or CurABC), you give your personal support to further develop attractive and effective class materials by Steffen Maas | ABC Books
theoretical framework
Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition
- Acquisition-learning An inductive approach in a student-centered setting leads to “acquisition”. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language, in which speakers are concentrated in natural communication, rather than grammatical rules. It adresses the subconscious process that children also undergo when they acquire their first language. ChinABC introduces Pinyin in practical and cultural words, instead of rules of Pinyin.
- Creating confidence Lack of self-confidence is often related to the over-use of learned grammar which stands in the way of natural communication. By providing cultural context, ChinABC exites the imagination and dialogue of both students and teachers and create students’ confidence in communication.
- Comprehensible input The images convey direct visual messages and are easily understood by students. ChinABC provides abundant images to establish comprehensible input for students, which facilitates them to learn words.
- Positive affect Students need comprehensible input when acquiring a (second) language, but can be limited by low motivation, self-esteem or other mental blockades. ChinABC aims to create more ease and joy of acquisition.
- Natural order ChinABC stimulates each student’s individual natural order of language acquisition, rather than programming grammatical sequences.
Aruba ABC的萌发源于帮助阿鲁巴当地小学生的学习,他们的成长和学习环境中缺乏最新的学习资源、教学方法、家庭鼓励以及内在动力。Aruba ABC最初只是在一个小地区开展起来的项目,但现在已成为一个多面发展的模型,为其它加勒比海岛屿以及全球低社会经济地位社区提供服务。
2018年,Aruba ABC在加勒比海的小岛阿鲁巴开始启动。在多个小学成功试点后,Aruba ABC获得了伯恩哈德王子文化基金会的慷慨支持,继而在阿鲁巴及其邻岛博奈尔和库拉索岛实施该项目。阿鲁巴的小学生通常缺乏最新的、本地化的、视觉吸引力强的学习材料。学校也极其依赖少数教师偶然手工制作的教具来为学生提供材料。Aruba ABC的创始人Steffen Maas决定建立起一整套的书籍、阅读材料和字母游戏,以改变这个情况。该项目最初针对阿鲁巴当地学习帕皮亚门托语的多语种低龄学生,但现在也配置了荷兰语、英语和西班牙语。它为教师提供了一个创造性工具,教学材料与学生的周边环境息息相关,不像其它课堂材料经常涉及一些远离的现象,有些甚至还展示着前殖民者的文化。基于矢量绘图的动态设置,使得这套书也能适用于其它岛屿社区和类似的小众文化社区,这也是其成功的关键所在。因此,ABC项目成为了一项灵活且可负担的项目,可在通常缺乏资金的小社区中实施,制作出基于超地方文化的印刷材料或数字应用程序。这种生产模式还使得Steffen推动地方政府参与项目和书籍捐赠计划,并找到时间和机会开发后续阅读材料,如适用于有学习障碍的儿童的学习材料。从ABC项目推出的那一刻起,它就得到了世界扫盲基金会的支持,他们也在继续与新的计划合作,如UKABC、USABC或FloridABC。
© Steffen Maas / ABC Books. All rights reserved. Each artwork is individually copyrighted.